Case Study
August 4, 2011

MARINTEK and Newnex FireNEX-800SX (IEEE 1394b Optical Repeater)

In early September 2013, Marintek (The Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute) contacted Newnex about one of Newnex IEEE1394b FireWire Optical Repeater, FireNEX-800SX to be used in one of their testing trials for their client. MARINTEK is affiliated with SINTEF, an independent research organization in Scandinavia which develops and verifies technological solutions, business and operating concepts for the shipping, marine equipment, ocean energy, and petroleum industries (source: MARINTEK website) and Newnex was excited to be given the opportunity to be part of their research.

For their testing purposes, MARINTEK will be connecting a 10 meter long fiber optic cable in between the FireNEX-800SX pair. The FireNEX-800SX optical repeater will transfer measurement data from the FireWire-enabled HBM data acquisition system modules (QuantumX) to a Windows Server running HBM data acquisition software "Catman Enterprise".

Although during the testing only 10 meters cable acquires data from one channel at 9600Hz frequency it will be used on-shore of the Ocean Basin, "for the actual model testing project starting later this October 2013, one of the FireNEX-800SX repeaters will be placed on board of a model of an offshore installation which will be tested in different wave conditions during this project. The other FireNEX-800SX module will be placed near the Windows Server in the computer room on-shore. The actual fiber length that will be used will [approximately] be around 200 meters and it will transmit data from 80 different channels," said Trond Solli, a representative from MARINTEK.

Newnex is more than excited to hear that our FireNEX-800SX is working really well with MARINTEK's application and resulted in MARINTEK's second order to keep a backup supply in their facility.

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